Jayson E. Street


Jayson E. Street is the VP of InfoSec at SphereNY … He is also DEF CON Groups Global Ambassador. Jayson battled a dragon during the Fire Run in Barcelona Spain. He ‘accidentally’ broke into a shark tank in the Dominican Republic and climbed the pyramid of Giza (until the guards carrying AK-47s expressed their displeasure). He consulted with the Secret Service in 2007 on the WIFI security of the White House, and has had tea with a Lebanese General in Beirut.

Jayson never finished High School but does have his GED. His first book is used as course material at four colleges in three countries (that he knows of), and he has spoken at numerous universities in the US and gave an eight-hour lecture at the Beijing Institute of Technology in 2014. Outside of standardized education, Jayson has spoken numerous times at DEF CON, at the first six DerbyCons and at many other Cons (Hack in Paris, Nuit Du Hack, IT-Defense, SYSCAN360, PH-Neutral, etc….) around the world. He was also on the David Letterman show (seriously) though he is still waiting for Stephen Colbert to have him on his show!

Jayson is only one degree away from Kevin Bacon after awkward hugging Oliver Stone and Jimmy Fallon. He started in security and law enforcement over 30 years ago and has always striven to make things more secure. Jayson has been in the Information Security industry for over 18 years, and once broke into a high scale hotel in the South of France - barefoot - wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajamas. He was also noted as the best janitor of all McDonald’s in the South East Texas region for 2 consecutive years.

Talks I've done here

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