Social Engineering 101

This is a broad overview of what will most likely be included in the class. As I refine the material some things may be added or removed so that the participants get a basic groundwork and leave eager to continue learning about the subject matter. This class will be focused on teaching the basics of Social Engineering. I will take the group through what Social Engineering is and is not. We will look at where the term came from and what skills are needed to be an effective Social Engineer. The emphasis will be on “person to person” social engineering. For example, working a mark or target in person or on-site, over the phone, or working targets in neutral environments (bars, gym, etc…). I will touch on phishing but my main focus will be teaching social and communication skills needed to be an effective SE. I will also give the attendees guidance on where to continue to learn about the craft (including e-social engineering tactics) so they can take what they learn in the class and grow their skills and apply them. If you need more details please let me know and I’ll be happy to provide them. I think this will be a class that anyone, even those not specifically interested in being “Social Engineers”, can benefit greatly from. There is no minimum or maximum technical literacy; everyone can benefit from this class.

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