Going from Capture the Flag to Hacking the Enterprise. Making the switch from “a hobby and a passion” to a lifelong career.
As the hiring manager of a penetration testing company, I see a lot of resumes and speak with a lot of good people wanting to make the switch to Cyber Security. In this talk we’ll cover the necessary skills, both hard and soft, to be successful in this industry and where to get them. We’ll talk about what to expect when you finally “sell out” and what it’s like to be a “security consultant”.
Lessons Learned (Audience Takeaways)
- Provide attendees with the ability gauge if they have the skill sets to do the job, and provide them resources to shore up any weaknesses.
- We’re not all Moxie Marlinspike. We’ll identify common mistakes and pitfalls in the interview process. Let’s talk professionalism in our appearance and in our communications, verbal and written. It’s not about black hoodies and Red Bull.
- Where do we go from here? What’s the expected career path and how do you become more valuable without having to job hop?