Haking the Next Generation

Kids are wired to learn. They are learning while they are playing so why not give them an environment where they can play while they are learning. A group of volunteers created a conference, which later became a 501(c)(3) charity, to give kids ages 7 thru 17 a technology playground. In this technology playground, children can explore science and technology, learn Internet safety and best practices…while having fun. They get to compete in a jrCTF, win prizes, get trained in hands-on workshops, listen to interesting speakers and interact with experts in the fields of IT and InfoSec. Just like you do at this conference.

The ethos of Hak4Kidz is to provide three columns of content to the kids, we call Tyros. The three columns of content include a speaking track, workshops and the Activity Lab Area. Anyone can submit to the CFP, but younger speakers, especially those breaking ground are encouraged and mentored. Hands-on workshops are designed to give the Tyros an opportunity to use technology like an ethical hacker. For example, while learning a skill such as Linux they are building a Minecraft server, robotics programming with a Raspberry Pi, and web app pen testing. The Activity Labs Area is highly exploratory and is juxtaposed with a jrCTF. Each Activity Station will have some challenges they need to complete to receive an entry into a prize drawing. Activities range from coding, low powered hardware, networking, STEM and other challenges. Adding an incentive motivates the Tyros to explore all of the activities to experience something new. Ideally, they discover something new and develop a passion for it, just like we do.

Hak4Kidz is addressing the growing need for our geeky kids wanting to become like their geeky parents. Hak4Kidz is creating a safe environment for these kids to find like minded peers to begin developing a community for them. If we can properly educate today’s generation as to how technology works and to push it’s limits rather than accepting how it works, ultimately, those kids will be better leaders. Leaders who will me making prudent decisions about technology as opposed to decisions based on fear. The Hak4Kidz CircleCityCon and Hak4Kidz Chicago conferences from 2015 have survey results demonstrating some of the success of Hak4Kidz.

We will share our mission, our passion and hope to inspire you with the desire to organize a Hak4Kidz conference in your local city.

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