Talks - 2019
Day 1
09:00 | Registration opens on floor 2, top of the escalator10:00 | Opening Ceremony
10:10 | Threat Hunting Like a Gutter Punk
11:00 | Hashes to Ashes: Life & Times of Clandestine Infrastructure
11:00 | One Random Insecure Wep Application Please (ORIWAP)
13:00 | Threat Decluttering: Baselining to Spark Joy in your Threat Hunting
13:00 | Understanding XSS
14:00 | BountyCraft - The Panel
14:00 | Social Engineering At Work – How to use positive influence to gain management buy-in for anything
15:00 | Automating Hashtopolis
15:00 | DNS – Strategies for Reducing Data Leakage & Protecting Online Privacy
16:00 | "It's Malware Time" - A Bar Crawl from Skunked Homebrew to Rotten Apples
16:00 | Breaking into Cyber: How the hell are you supposed to get started?
17:00 | After Mirai: Cyber Security Implications of IoT Botnet Proliferation Against Critical Infrastructure
17:00 | Making an internal Let’s Encrypt relay server
18:00 | Friday Happy Hour!!
Day 2
09:00 | Registration opens on floor 2, top of the escalator10:00 | Keynote - I PWN thee, I PWN thee not!
11:00 | Breaking Into Your Building: A Hacker's Guide to Unauthorized Physical Access
11:00 | Formula for a Bug Bounty Program
13:00 | Talk Roulette
14:00 | Baking Your Anomalous Cookies
14:00 | Forensics Phish Tank: Breaking Down Analysis of Advanced Phishing Emails
15:00 | Empathy for the (Devel)oper: Lessons Learned Building An Application Security Module
15:00 | Waiter, there's a compiler in my shellcode!
16:00 | IR with Volatility Framework
16:00 | MORE Tales From the Crypt...Analyst
17:00 | Behavioral Security and Offensive Psychology at Scale
17:00 | Let's Talk About WAF (Bypass) Baby
20:00 | Saturday Night Party!!!
Day 3
10:00 | My making of a Metasploit Module10:30 | Don't Panic! A Beginner's Guide To Hardware Hacking
11:00 | The Jazz Improv of Infosec
11:30 | Elliptic Curve Cryptography: What it is and who needs it
12:00 | Closing Ceremony