Talks - 2020
Day 1
08:00 | Registration Opens!!09:45 | Opening Remarks
10:00 | Continuous Monitoring on macOS
10:00 | Must C.I.A. D.I.E.?
11:00 | Confessions of A SysAd (Linux Edition)
11:00 | Cyber Harassment: Things I wish I knew when sh1t went sideways
12:00 | I Want My EIP: Buffer Overflow 101
13:00 | Considering Ethics for Security Teams
13:00 | Dr. Cyberlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spreadsheet
14:00 | 3 Secrets to Overcoming the Communication Barrier between You and Your C-Suite
14:00 | Exorcising the Ghost in the Machine: Debunking Myths around Supply Chain Attacks
15:00 | Deception for Defense
15:00 | the User is Not the Enemy (how to convert your users to allies)
16:00 | My Favorite Three Headed Dog - An Overview of AD Compromise Paths via Kerberos Attacks
16:00 | The Hacker Hippocampus: Meet your brain on games
17:00 | Credentials and Hackers - How to Keep Both Out of Your Code
17:00 | Learning to Walk Before You Run - Pitfalls of Enterprise Security, From 12 Months of Assessments
18:00 | Friday Happy Hour
Day 2
11:00 | API Security Challenges11:00 | Hiding In The Clouds: How Attackers Can Use Applications Consent for Sustained Persistence and How To Find It
13:00 | Adversary Detection Pipelines: Finally Making Your Threat Intel Useful
13:00 | Talk Roulette
14:00 | Build vs Buy: Everything Software Vendors Don't Want You To Know
14:00 | You don’t need passwords anymore – Here’s why
15:00 | Incident Response Tactics for the Under-equipped and Overworked
15:00 | Y'all Tryna Bypass Python 3.8 Audit Hooks or Nah?
16:00 | Building An Effective Security Program with Limited Resources Guided by the NIST CSF
16:00 | Metasploit Townhall 0x6
17:00 | Exploits, Research, Tools, and the Impact to Security
17:00 | Let The Right One In
20:00 | Saturday Night Party
Day 3
12:00 | Closing Ceremony| Connections: Eisenhower and the Internet
10:00 | Getting the Most Out Of Your Physical Security Assessment - A Client’s Guide
10:00 | Guerrilla Warfare for the Blue Team
11:00 | Event Tracing for Windows (ETW): With Great Data Comes Great Responsibility
| Silver Tickets through the Printer Bug, how NTLMv1 brings down the kingdom
11:00 | The Eye of Sauron: How (not) to build an LKM keylogger