Learning to Walk Before You Run - Pitfalls of Enterprise Security, From 12 Months of Assessments
“Getting “Back to the Basics” as a theme in computer security seems to be a broken record. Several control frameworks also call out several controls as “basic” yet we continually see these things not being done. Each year there are articles and vendors saying we, as an industry, need to get back to the basics. There is a constant stream of new products and services fighting for budget space, and the newest APT and State-sponsored TTPs we need to address taking over weekly headlines.
This talk takes a data-driven approach to investigating the success rates of implementing the “basics” in relation to overall network security. Sean has taken the data from over 50 different network assessments performed by his team (standard vulnerability assessments and penetration tests) over the last year and has tracked trends to question how “basic” these controls are. Are we, as an industry, ready to run? Are we even using the right measures to determine walking vs. running when it comes to security our networks?”