the User is Not the Enemy (how to convert your users to allies)

Convert your users from enemies to allies! Build a culture of security using applied behavior analysis.

In most organizations, there is little affinity between infosec and users. Users are either afraid of infosec or actively dislike them (if not both), while infosec are frequently annoyed by users and regard them with contempt. We are often at odds with the very “customers” we are supposed to protect. This situation is not conducive to building a culture of security, which requires users and infosec to work in partnership.

So how can we change this toxic relationship?

First, a shift in how we think about users. Users are not roadblocks to doing our jobs. Users are the reason we have jobs! This basic change in perception is the foundation of a relationship based on mutual respect.

Second, a change in the nature of our interactions with users, from adversarial to cooperative. If we solve problems for our users, they will solve problems for us.

Third, why do so many users fail security tests? Understanding why will point to the solution, and a change in approach will change users’ attitudes.

We will look at three teaching/training methodologies that will dramatically impact the user-infosec relationship.

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