Guerilla Warfare Tactics

Blue teamers in the trenches need to stop living groundhog day, time to punch Bill Murray in the face and change the game in our favor! The game has changed but the basics are the same. Coined in the 90’s by General Krulak, the three-block war is described as full-scale military action, peacekeeping operations (PKO) and humanitarian aid within the space of three contiguous city blocks.

How does this compare to starting your morning activating your incidence response (IR) plan due to a suspected credential breach, change management meetings (compliance), and handing out hugs while CXO’s change their passwords for the first time. One: no one is shooting at you and two: not much else. Just as methods of warfare have changed, so too has the way we must run security programs. What does takes to prepare and execute your own three block Blue team war?

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