Talks - 2018
Day 1
08:30 | 2018 Registration Opens!!09:45 | Opening Remarks
10:00 | Chasing the Adder... A Tale from the APT world
11:00 | Aww Ship! Navigating the vulnerabilities and attack surface of the maritime industry
11:00 | Hacking Dumberly, Just Like the Bad Guys
12:00 | Lunch
13:00 | Automahack - Python tool for automated Active Directory attack
13:00 | Dear Blue Team: Proactive Steps to Supercharge your IR
13:30 | You'll Understand When You're Older
14:00 | Hacking Smart Contracts--A Methodology
14:00 | Skills For A Red-Teamer
15:00 | Fighting Child Exploitation with Oculum
15:00 | How to tell cajun doctors they have bad cyber-hygiene and live
16:00 | On the Hunt: Hacking the Hunt Group
16:00 | What Infosec in Oil & Gas can Teach us About Infosec in Healthcare
17:00 | Your Mac Defenestrated. Post OSXploitation Elevated.
18:00 | Friday Happy Hour
Day 2
09:00 | Registration Opens10:00 | 2018 Keynote
11:00 | Effective Monitoring for Operational Security
12:00 | Lunch
13:00 | Talk Roulette
14:00 | Party!!
14:00 | Taking out the Power Grid's Middleman
14:00 | We are the Enemy of the Good
15:00 | Cash in the aisles: How gift cards are easily exploited
15:00 | Privacy for Safety- How can we help targeted groups with privacy?
16:00 | Jump into IOT Hacking with Damn Vulnerable Habit Helper IOT Device
16:00 | Mind Games: Exploring Mental Health through Games
17:00 | The Evolution of Trollette
17:00 | The Future of Digital Forensics
17:30 | Changing the Game: The Impact of TRISIS (TRITON) on Defending ICS/SCADA/IIoT
17:30 | Ducky-in-the-middle: Injecting keystrokes into plaintext protocols
Day 3
10:00 | Gamifying Developer Education with CTFs11:00 | Active Directory Security: The Journey
12:00 | HTTP2 and You
13:00 | Closing Ceremony