Talks - 2014
Day 1
09:15 | Keynote11:00 | Why you are pwned and don't know it
13:30 | Anti-Forensics: Memory or something, I forget
14:30 | Malway Analysis 101 - N00b to Ninja in 60 Minutes
14:30 | The InternetOf Evil Things: The 10 Most Wanted List
15:30 | Do You Have Enough Executioners?
15:30 | Red Teaming: Back and forth 5ever
16:30 | Probabilistic detection of malware infected hosts via DNS query analysis
16:30 | Responding to APT: Unpwning the Pwned
17:30 | Party with DualCore
Day 2
09:00 | Advanced RedTeaming: Ghosts in your Building10:00 | Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard
11:00 | Androids vs. Android: Synthetic Mobile Malware Analysis
11:00 | Operational Security and Your Mental Health
12:00 | Lunch
13:30 | Interpersonal Manipulation
13:30 | It Just Keeps Going and Going
14:30 | Cognitive Bias and Critical Thinking in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
15:30 | iOS Analysis and Reverse Engineering using iRETStandard
16:30 | Ending session