Talks - 2017
Day 1
10:00 | Registration Opens!11:30 | Opening Remarks
12:00 | Does DoD Level Security Work in the Real World?
12:00 | Hacking the IoT: A Case Study
13:00 | Going past the wire: Leveraging Social Engineering in physical security assessments
13:00 | Hurt Me Plenty: The Design and Development of Arganium
14:00 | Arming Small Security Programs: Network Baseline Generation and Alerts with Bropy
14:00 | Easy Indicators of Compromise: Creating a Deception Infrastructure
15:00 | Lean Threat Intelligence: Detecting Intrusions and Combating Infiltrators with Open Source Software
15:00 | Make STEHM Great Again
16:00 | Designing and Implementing a Universal Meterpreter Payload
16:00 | EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) - DNS CDN Magic or Security Black Hole?
17:00 | Attacking Modern SaaS Companies
17:00 | Rooting out evil: defend your data center like the Secret Service protects the President
18:00 | Happy Hour!
Day 2
10:00 | Keynote11:00 | Iron Sights for Your Data
11:00 | Phishing for Shellz: Setting up a Phishing Campaign
12:00 | LUNCH!
13:00 | Talk Roulette
14:00 | Embrace the Bogeyman: Tactical Fear Mongering for Those Who Penetrate
14:00 | Security Guards -- LOL!
15:00 | Red Teaming Newbies - A look into CCDC
15:00 | Skynet Will Use PsExec: When SysInternals Go Bad
16:00 | Layer 8 and Why People are the Most Important Security Tool
16:00 | Tor-Pi-Do NOW with Bloomin' Onion
17:00 | 22 Short Films About Security
17:00 | The Devil's Bargain: Emerging Trends in the Ransomware Ecosystem
17:30 | Security is dead. Long live Infosec!
20:00 | Party!
Day 3
10:00 | An Employee, their Laptop and a Hacker walk into a Bar11:00 | Beyond OWASP Top 10
12:00 | Scamming the Scammers: Hacking scammers with pwns and knowledge with good intentions