Talks - 2016

Day 1

10:00 | Registration
13:00 | Analyzing DNS Traffic for Malicious Activity Using Open Source Logging Tools
13:00 | Snake Charming: Fun With Compiled Python
14:00 | Art of Espionage
14:00 | Monitoring & Analysis 101: N00b to Ninja in 60 Minutes
15:00 | Check Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self: The New Wave Of Account Checkers And Underground Rewards Fraud
15:00 | Introducing the OWASP API Security Project
16:00 | Breaking Barriers: Adversarial Thinking for Defenders
16:00 | It's Just a Flesh Wound!
17:00 | Owning MS Outlook with PowerShell
17:00 | Why can't Police catch Cyber Criminals?
18:00 | Happy Hour with the BrownCoat Brass Band

Day 2

10:00 | Keynote
11:00 | Calling Captain Ahab: Using Open Tools to Profile Whaling Campaigns
11:00 | Haking the Next Generation
13:00 | Hacking Web Apps (v2)
13:00 | Talk Roulette
14:00 | Nose Breathing 101: A Guide to Infosec Interviewing
14:00 | Untrusted Onions: Is Tor Broken?
15:00 | Evolving Your Office's Security Culture by Selective Breeding of Ideas and Practices
15:00 | I Promise I'm Legit: Winning with Words
16:00 | Going from Capture the Flag to Hacking the Enterprise. Making the switch from “a hobby and a passion” to a lifelong career.
16:00 | You Pass Butter: Next Level Security Monitoring Through Proactivity
17:00 | Hackers are from Mars, CxO's are from Jupiter
17:00 | Now You See Me, Now You Don't - Hiding from the Internet
20:00 | Saturday Night Party!

Day 3

10:00 | Don’t be stupid with GitHub
11:00 | Create Scalable and Secure Mobile Apps that Work Offline
12:00 | DDoS: Barbarians at the Gate(way)
12:00 | Hunting high-value targets in corporate networks
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